Valley of
The Casablanca Valley is located in the Region of Valparaiso. The vineyards are 80km (49.7 miles) from Santiago and 26km from the Pacific Ocean.

Principales Variedades

Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Chardonnay y Pinot Noir.
Características del valle

The valley has a Mediterranean climate, with daytime and nighttime temperatures fluctuating around 20ºC, and a strong influence of the nearby ocean. The average annual temperature is 13.4ºC (56ºF), and average annual precipitations are 450 mm.
Soil type
The soil is alluvial, with a fine and sandy texture. It has low capacity for retaining moisture, leading to low yield and high concentration of varietal characteristics. The vineyards are planted at an average altitude of 500 meters above sea level, where the atmosphere is clear and bright.Hotel Casa RealReservas / Bookings
Extranjeros no residentes en Chile, por favor reservar en moneda dólar.
Non-resident foreigners in Chile, please book in dolar currency.
**Mayor información, ver términos y condiciones de la reserva**
**More Info, please see booking terms and conditions**